Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Human Abstract Essays - Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience

The Human Abstract Annotated Bibliography: The Human Abstract The Human Abstract has not received much critical attention on its own. Of the critical interpretations that do exist, many approach the poem by examining its various manifestations in Blake's manuscripts, reading it against A Divine Image, a poem w hich was never finally published by Blake, or comparing it to its Innocence counterpart, The Divine Image. Most critics seem to agree that The Human Abstract represents a philosophical turning point in The Songs of Innocence and of Expe rience, and in Blake's work as a whole. In 1924, Joseph H. Wicksteed observes that this difficult poem, originally called 'The human Image, represents Blake's attempt to summarize his philosophy of revolt against the ob ject of worship he found in the mind of his age. He contends that Blake makes no distinction between God and Man: God is Man and Man is God, and either may be good or bad. Placing the poem in context with Blake's work as a whole, Wicksteed argues that, with this poem, Blake is moving toward s the position definitely reached in 'The Marriage,' that Reason, or the abstracting power of the mind, robs life of all its fullness and vigour. He then proceeds with a line-byline reading of the poem. Robert Gleckner briefly treats The Human Abstract in his book, The Piper and The Bard, suggesting that 'The Divine Image' of Innocence is perverted in experience to 'The Human Abstract.' He places the poem i n the didactic landscape of The Songs of Innocence and of Experience, contending that the rational 'holiness' in the poem leads us directly to the 'holiness' of 'Holy Thursday,' the 'heaven' of 'The Chimney Sweeper,' the 'Church' of 'The Littl e Vagabond,' the 'mystery' of 'A Little Boy Lost,' and the 'Christian forbearance' of 'A Poison Tree.' In a later essay, William Blake and the Human Abstract, 1961, Gleckner offers a more extensive reading of the poem, paying particular attention to t he formulation of its title and observing that of all the songs of experience the one which provides the greatest insight into Blake's concern with his titles, his struggle to define the two contrary states of the human soul, and his poetic technique (es pecially in the Songs of Experience), i s The Human Abstract. He also approaches the poem through an examination of the four drafts located in Blake's manuscript, pointing out that critics have neglected to examine the way in which the poem A Divine Image is complexly operative in 'The Human Abstract.' This connection is the focus of the Gleckner's essay, which he concludes with the contention that The Human Abstract represents Blake's final realization that the real disease is not a s ocial, economic, religious, [or] political force, but rather the cancerous tree of's own thinking process. Later, both Geoffrey Keynes and David Erdman will point out that The Human Abstract replaced A Divine Image as the Experience response to The Divine Image. In Blake's Apocalypse: A Study in Poetic Argument, 1963, Harold Bloom reads The Human Abstract in conjunction with its Innocence partner, The Divine Image, noting that the word Abstract should not be misconst rued as literally meaning separated, because the contrast between the two poems is not between the integral and the split human nature, but rather between the equal delusions of Innocence and Experience as to the relationship of the h uman to the natural. He links the poem to both Genesis and the Norse myths of Odin (whom Bloom calls the Norse Nobodaddy) and Balder, observing that both the raven and the Tree of Mystery were drawn from those mythologies. In 1964, E.D. Hirsch also compares The Human Abstract to The Divine Image, contending that the former is not only a satire of [the latter] but also a naturalization of it. He asserts that the satirical first stanza should be read as if one of the Swedenborgian 'Angels' were speaking. He notes a change in tone, however, in the sec ond stanza where Blake quickly drops the angelic mask and converts the two remaining divine attributes of Innocence to something overtly sinister. For Hirsch, the primary myth which Blake is responding to is that

Monday, November 25, 2019

Corporate Development During The Industrial Revolu Essays (555 words)

Corporate Development During The Industrial Revolu Essays (555 words) Corporate Development During The Industrial Revolution The Standard Oil Company founded by John D. Rockefeller and the U.S. Steel Company founded by Andrew Carnegie. The Standard Oil Company and U.S. Steel Company were made successful in different ways due to the actions of their different owners. The companies differed in their labor relations, market control, and structural organization. In the steel industry, Carnegie developed a system known as vertical integration. This means that he cut out the middle man. Carnegie bought his own iron and coal mines because using independent companies cost too much and were inefficient. By doing this he was able to undersell his competetors because they had to pay the competitors they went through to get the raw materials. Unlike Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller integrated his oil business from top to bottom, his distinctive innovation in movement of American industry was horizontal. This meant he followed one product through all its stages. For example, rockrfeller controlled the oil when it w as drilled, through the refining stage, and he maintained control over the refining process turning it into gasoline. Although these two powerful men used two different methods of management their businesses were still very successful (Conlin, 425-426). Tycoons like Andrew Carnegie, the steel king, and John D. Rockefeller, the oil baron, exercised their genius in devising ways to circument competition. Although, Carnegie inclined to be tough-fisted in business, he was not a monopolist and disliked monopolistic trusts. John D. Rockefeller came to dominate the oil industry. With one upward stride after another he organized the Standard Oil Company, which was the nucleus of the great trust that was formed. Rockefeller showed little mercy. He believed primitive savagery prevailed in the jungle world of business, where only the fittest survived. He persued the policy of ruin or rule. Rockefellers oil monopoly did turn out a superior product at a relatively cheap price. Rockefeller belive d in ruthless business, Carnegie didnt, yet they both had the most successful companies in their industries. (The American Pageant, pages 515-518) Rockefeller treated his customers in the same manner that Andrew Carnegie treated his workers: cruel and harsh. The Standard Oil Company desperately wanted every possible company to buy their products. Standard Oil used ruthless tactics when Rockefeller threatenedto start his own chain of grocery stores and put local merchants out of business if they did not buy oil from Standard Oil Company. Carnegie dealt with his workers with the same cold lack of diplomacy and consideration. Carnegie would encourage an unfriendly competition between two of his workers and he goaded them into outdoing one another. Some of his employees found working under Carnegie unbearable. These rivalries became so important to the employees that somedidnt talk to each other for years (McCloskkey, page 145). Although both Carnegie and Rockefeller created extermely s uccesssful companies, they both used unscrupulous methods in some aspect of their corporation building to get to the top. The success of the Standard Oil Company and U.S. Steel company was credited to the fact that their owners ran them with great authority. In this very competetive time period, many new businesses were being formed and it took talented businessmen to get ahead and keep the companies running and make the fortunes that were made during this period. Bibliography Titan

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Australian Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Australian Economy - Essay Example The prediction was that the central bank of Australia would be forced to bring into play an expansionary monetary policy that would have rates of interest lowered to 2.5% from 4.25% so as to trigger growth. (Foley, 2009) Just before looking at this policy, it is of essence to explain vividly what a monetary policy entails. The situation in the world since year 2008 has been very serious and many economies including North America and Europe experienced a major economic downturn. Generally, the whole world was experiencing one of the most serious economic recessions. Australia as an economy has been said by most economic analysts to have defied this downturn. However, it has been affected as well by this situation, to mention the least. Governments, through their central banks, use both monetary policies and fiscal policies to control the stability and growth of the aggregate economy. This study is about both of these economic policies and more particularly in the context of the Austra lian economy. The study will first tackle each of these policies in general to create an understanding of the same before narrowing down to the Australian situation. Monetary policy will be the first to handle before going on to the fiscal policy. Monetary policies are usually about two major categories. These are expansionary and contractionary monetary policies. An expansionary policy is generally an open-market buying while a contractinary policy is about an open-market sale. An expansionary policy involves lowering of rates of interest while a contractionary policy escalates interest rates. Increased interest rates (contractionary policy) mean that borrowing from banks will be more expensive and thus, there will be minimal borrowing, which reduces currency supply in a given economy. A reduction in interest rates (expansionary policy) means that borrowing from banks will be easier due to the low rates of interest. Thus, this increases currency supply in the economy. Graphs can be utilised to illustrate what has been explained earlier concerning monetary policies. This is as shown below; Figure 1: Monetary policies illustrated in graphs Interest rates S0 S1 Interest rates S1 S0 D D Bank Reserves Bank Reserves Expansionary policy Contractionary policy As shown by the arrows, an expansionary policy involves a lowering of the rates of interest and thus, a rise in the supply of currency while a contractionary policy does exactly the opposite. S0 shows the original currency supply while S1 is the new supply. D is the demand curve for currency. (Baumol and Blinder, 2010 pp270, 271) Despite the criticism by the International Monetary Fund, that Australia was using a bad approach (in year 2010) to the inflation levels by using a monetary policy that was based in inflation targeting, the Reserve Bank of Australia continued using this approach. At this point in time, the bank was applying a contarctionary policy. The Reserve Bank usually targets a range of inflation o f around 2-3% while making these decisions of the monetary policy. It was to utilize the rates of interest so as to slower the overheating of the Australian economy. In 2010, the inflation target ranged between 1-2%. In order to control the condition of the recession effects, the Reserve Bank was applying a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Organisational Behaviour - What is meant by culture Essay

International Organisational Behaviour - What is meant by culture shock - Essay Example The role of culture is significant as culture is the core values of the individual (McLaren, 1998). Moreover, culture has a significant role in the overall personality and how one acts, behaves, how he is motivated, how he feels about different situations, how capable he is to manage difficult situations, how he or she speaks, how one acts and reacts etc. All these characteristics are highly critical for every individual and these characteristics for the individual in either making him a successful individual or making the individual an unsuccessful person. So it reveals that culture has a significant role in the life of the individual. Moreover, culture varies from one society to another as people live their lives and therefore it is important to understand and analyze the differences among different culture and how different people behave (Bochner, 2001). So this report would discuss such important aspects of humans. The aim of this assignment would be to provide a clear definition of the term cultural shock along with the elements and symptoms of cultural shock. Furthermore, this assignment would highlight the understanding of international organizational behavior with examples from daily life. In addition to all these, some of the ways to bridge the cultural confusion or differences are also mention in the assignment. Cultural Shock Cultural shock or culture shock is a common term that indicates the confusing and nervous feelings of an individual after leaving an environment that he/she was familiar with. The best example that could be observed regarding the cultural shock is the migration of people from one country to another. This migration often leads to psychological distress due to the unfamiliar environment and culture (Bochner, 2001). Culture shock aims to describe the unfamiliarity that an individual may have or face when entering different culture (Paige 1993). In addition, Kalervo Obe rg (1960) indicated that this term was to be applicable only on those people that travel from one place to another into new cultures. According to Adler (1975), cultural shock is a combination of emotional reactions when an individual is provided with a new culture which has no or little meaning and can lead to misunderstanding of new culture and experiences. The definition provided by Weaver (1968) indicates the concept of cultural shock in daily life. According to Weaver (1968), cultural shock is much like common cold as there is no particular way or approach to prevent it as a person may catch it over and over again. Each time a person tries to adjust or readjust his culture according to the place and environment, he/she go through cultural shock. Cultural shock is referred as a distress experience of a person as a result of unfamiliarity with the culture. Losing of all those factors that made the person a part of the society and community is one of the major reasons of cultural shock (Oberg, 1960). Furthermore, six aspects of cultural shock were identified by Oberg (1960) that includes i. Psychological adjustments that leads to strain ii. Sense of loss and unfamiliarity which leads to deprivation iii. Lack of social recognition iv. Confusion in terms of role and loss of self-identity v. Awareness regarding cultural differences followed by surprise and anxiety vi. Low morale as the person might not be able to cope with the new

Monday, November 18, 2019

Civil Procedures Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Civil Procedures - Thesis Example 22). See the Appendix for a summary of the different parts of FRCP. The American legal system used to be a part of the British Empire in North America, which was loosely organized in the terms of national coherence simply because of the colonial rule. After independence, the lack of coherence in the legal system of the country became more conspicuous. The different district courts and regional bodies spread across the United States had formulated their own procedural systems that varied widely from one court to another. According to Wright and Miller (2002), the Process Act of 1792 was one of the first important and concrete attempts to bring about a uniform civil procedural paradigm throughout the federation. With the expansion of the United States throughout the early 19th century, legal issues surfaced time and again regarding the member states that were joining the initial thirteen colonies. US Congress took effective measures to overcome this problem and avoid confusions due to simultaneous application of both the common and civil laws. By the Tariff Act of 1828, US Congress provided a roadmap for the different states to follow a standard civil procedural system (Wright and Miller, 2002). However, debate and lack of legal coordination at the federal level continued. Major political and military developments during the Civil War and the World War I necessitated a federally recognized legal system all across the United States so that the union could be strengthened and harmonized. Finally in 1935, the Federal Supreme Court compiled the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) that became the backbone of the bijuridical legal framework of the United States (Spencer, 2010; Wright and Miller, 2002). Despite the successful implementation of FRCP, each state in the United States has considerable autonomy regarding the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Study Of Solubility Equilibrium

The Study Of Solubility Equilibrium The first part of this experiment aims to determine the solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate in water, and thereby determine how the enthalpy and entropy change of the dissolution reaction, according to the equilibrium KHC4H4O6 (s) Ġº K+ (aq) + HC4H4O6- (aq) (1), changes with temperature. The second part of this experiment aims to examine the common ion effect through determination of the Ksp of KHC4H4O6 in potassium nitrate (KNO3) solution for varying K+ concentrations. Results I. Titrating 25.0cm3 of KHC4H4O6 solution with 0.07415M NaOH solution with phenolphthalein indicator gave the following results To determine Ksp at 302.15K: Amount of NaOH used = Average volume of NaOH used 0.07415M = 13.35 10-3 0.07415 = 9.899 10-4 mol = Amount of HC4H4O6- reacted Total volume of the solution = Average volume of NaOH used + 25.0 cm3 of HC4H4O6- solution = 13.35 + 25.0 = 38.35 cm3 Since [K+] = [HC4H4O6-], Ksp = [K+][HC4H4O6-] = [HC4H4O6-]2 = 0.25812 = 6.662-10-4 Table 1: Solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate at various temperatures Temperature / K Average VNaOH used / cm3 Amount of NaOH used / mol Amount of HC4H4O6- reacted / mol [HC4H4O6-] / mol dm-3 Solubility of HC4H4O6-/ mol dm-3 Ksp ln Ksp 1/T / K-1 282.5 6.65 0.0004931 0.004931 0.01558 0.01558 0.0002427 -8.324 0.003540 292 9.25 0.0006869 0.006869 0.02003 0.02003 0.0004010 -7.821 0.003425 302 13.35 0.0009899 0.009899 0.02581 0.02581 0.0006663 -7.314 0.003311 311.5 18.35 0.001361 0.01361 0.03139 0.03139 0.0009852 -6.923 0.003210 322.5 26.65 0.001976 0.01976 0.03826 0.03826 0.001464 -6.527 0.003101 Given that ΔG °reaction = ΔH °reaction TΔS °reaction - (2) and ΔG °reaction = RT ln K - (3), combining the two equations and rearranging gives us the linear function: - (4) Using the data obtained in this experiment to plot this linear function gives Graph 1 shown below: Graph 1: Linear curve of ln Ksp against 1/T Equation of line -ln Ksp = 4113(1/T) + 6.264 =- 4113 ΔH °reaction =- (- 4113 8.314) =+34 195 J mol-1 (4s.f.) =+34.195 kJ mol-1 Uncertainty (standard deviation) =  ± 105.3 8.314 =  ± 875.5 ΔH °reaction = + 34 195  ± 875.5 J mol-1 =6.264 ΔS °reaction =6.264 8.314 =+52.08 J K-1 mol-1 (4s.f.) Uncertainty (standard deviation) = ± 0.3497 8.314 =  ± 2.907 ΔS °reaction = + 52.08  ± 2.907 J K-1 mol-1 ΔG °reaction = [+ 34 195 T (+ 52.08)] J mol-1 Solubility of HC4H4O6- and Ksp increases with increasing temperature, and a positive ΔH °r value shows that the dissolution of KHC4H4O6 is an endothermic process. Since the magnitude of ΔS °r is smaller than that of ΔH °r, ΔG °r is always positive in the temperature range of 282.5K to 322.5K, as carried out in this experiment. This indicates that the dissolution of KHC4H4O6 is always non-spontaneous for this temperature range, and hence KHC4H4O6 is a sparingly soluble salt. II. Titration of KHC4H4O6 in KNO3 solutions of different concentrations with 0.07413M NaOH solution with phenolphthalein indicator at room temperature to observe the common ion effect gave the following results To determine the Ksp and solubility of HC4H4O6- at room temperature when [KNO3] = 0.01M: Amount of K+ from KNO3 = 0.01 70 10-3 = 7.00-10-4 mol Amount of NaOH used = 11.45 10-3 0.07413 = 8.508 10-4 mol = Amount of HC4H4O6- reacted Total amount of K+ = (7.00-10-4) + (8.508 10-4) = 1.55 10-3 mol Total volume = 25.0 + 11.45 = 36.45 cm3 [K+]total = Ksp = Table 2: Solubility product constant of potassium hydrogen tartrate at various potassium nitrate concentrations T / K [KNO3] / M Average volume of NaOH used / cm3 Amount of NaOH / mol Amount of HC4H4O6- reacted / mol Total amount of K+ / mol [K+]total / mol dm-3 Solubility of HC4H4O6- / mol dm-3 Ksp 301 0.01 11.45 0.0008509 0.0008509 0.001551 0.04255 0.02334 0.0009932 301 0.02 10.35 0.0007691 0.0007691 0.002169 0.06136 0.02176 0.001335 302 0.03 9.50 0.0007059 0.0007059 0.002806 0.08133 0.02046 0.001664 302 0.04 8.60 0.0006391 0.0006391 0.003439 0.1024 0.01902 0.001947 Graph 2: Graph of solubility of KHC4H4O6 (M) against [K+]total (M) The data obtained in this part of the experiment shows that solubility of HC4H4O6- decreases with increasing total K+ concentration for a given temperature (302K). This is due to the common ion effect the presence of the common ion K+ suppresses the dissociation of KHC4H4O6 according to (1), since K+ concentration is greater than the equilibrium KHC4H4O6 concentration. The greater the K+ concentration, the lesser the extent of dissociation of KHC4H4O6, and hence the less soluble HC4H4O6- is in water. Discussion The solubility of a substance is the amount of the substance dissolved in 1 L of its saturated solution for a given temperature. Ksp on the other hand, is the product of the ion concentrations raised to their respective powers on the dissolution equilibrium equation, and is constant for a given temperature. Since the dissolution of KHC4H4O6 is an endothermic process, when temperature increases, the forward reaction is favoured to absorb the excess heat. This causes Ksp values to increase with increasing temperature, as observed, since concentration of products, i.e. [K+] and [HC4H4O6-], increases. The heat absorbed is used to overcome solute-solute and solvent-solvent interactions, such that solute-solvent interactions can form during the dissolution process. Also, as a solid dissolves, entropy of the system is increased, since the greater number of liquid particles increases disorderliness. Hence as temperature increases, ΔG °r will be increasingly negative, indicating that the dissolution of KHC4H4O6 gets increasingly spontaneous as temperature increases. In this experiment, ΔH °r and ΔS °r are assumed to be insignificantly dependent on temperature. ΔrH(T2) = ΔrH(T1) + (T2-T1) ΔrCp - (5) (Atkins, 2006) From Kirchhoffs law (5), ΔrH is dependent on temperature, assuming that constant-pressure heat capacities (Cp) is independent of temperature. For the above assumption to hold true, ΔrCp should be insignificant, i.e. (Cp) of the products and reactants should have approximately equal values. Since Cp is affected by how much of a substance there is in the solution the greater the number of particles, the greater the amount of heat energy needed to raise the overall temperature of the solution by 1K and the KHC4H4O6 solution used in titration is saturated, the amount of substance in the solution can be approximated to be the same. Thus, Cp of the products and reactants can be approximated to be the same, and hence ΔrCp is minimum. Similarly, since ΔS °r is dependent on Cp as well, we can assume it to be insignificantly dependent on temperature as well. For the above argument to hold true, the KHC4H4O6 solution used in titration must be saturated, and steps to ensure this should be taken one, continual swirling of the solution before filtration to ensure all solid has been dissolved; two, maintaining supposed temperature of the solution immediately before filtering, since the saturated solution is filtered in small portions; three, apparatus used to contain the filtrate must be dry such that the saturated solution is not diluted by the presence of any water. General titration techniques were also employed, such as rinsing apparatus with the solutions that they are to contain to ensure no contamination and accurate concentrations, as well as keeping the amount of phenolphthalein indicator, a weak acid, to a minimum, to prevent the lowering of the pH of the solution, which results in more than the required amount of NaOH needed to react with the saturated KHC4H4O6 solution. For Section 1 of this experiment, comparing experimental and literature Ksp values gives the following At approximately 302K: Literature value of solubility of KHC4H4O6 in water = 7.3693 103 kgsalt/kgwater (Lopes, 2001) Literature Ksp value = [(7.3693 103 gsalt/mlwater) à · (188.1772 g mol-1)]2 = (39.161 10-3 mol L-1)2 = 1.534 10-3 Experimental Ksp value (Section 1) = 6.663 10-4 Mean Ksp value (Section 2) = 1.485 10-3 The literature Ksp value in Section 1 of this experiment was 2.302 times higher than that of the experimental Ksp value at 302K. Besides, since Ksp is only dependent on temperature, Ksp values at the same temperature should be constant and independent of concentrations. The mean Ksp value obtained in the Section 2 of this experiment, however, was 2.229 times greater than that obtained in Section 1 of this experiment, though it only had a 3.300% difference from the literature Ksp value. The abnormally low Ksp value obtained in Section 1 of this experiment indicates less than expected K+ and HC4H4O6- concentrations in the solution, and can stem from either the effect of a deviation from temperature, or from the solution being unsaturated. However, the data obtained in this experiment showed an accurate trend expected of Ksp values for increasing temperature, hence eliminating temperature deviation as a possible source of error. Furthermore, this trend also reflects expected solubility trends, and is sufficient in demonstrating the aims of this experiment. Conclusion The aims of this experiment have been met, as shown by the increasing trend of Ksp values for increasing temperature, as well as the decreasing solubility of HC4H4O6- in water for increasing K+ concentration, due to the common ion effect. These combined prove that Ksp is only dependent on temperature, given that care has been taken to ensure a saturated solution when carrying out the experiment.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Imagery Used in Keats Poems Essay example -- John Keats Ode to a Grec

Imagery Used in Keats' Poems Strong imagery is the basis of structure in many poems. Literal and metaphorical imagery words aid the reader with interpreting the main ideal of the poem. Ode to a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale and On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer are three of John Keats’ poems which contain this descriptive imagery to give structure and meaning. Keats makes the decorative language as the medium for the passion that he holds for his subject. Ode to a Grecian Urn is a poem in which Keats makes imagery explain the physical aspects of an urn as well as the message behind its appearance. When explaining the physical attributes of the urn Keats describes its beauty by comparing the urn to places such asâ€Å"†¦Temp† and â€Å"†¦the dales of Arcady† in line seven. Imagery such as lines nineteen and twenty state â€Å"She cannot fade, through thou hast not thy bliss, / For ever wilt though love, and she be fair†. These lines colorfully relay the message that the urn is infinite and the image of life that is presented on it will never commence. This urn is presented...